Saturday, September 27, 2008

Princess Party

I went up to Roy today for Pat's niece Annie's fourth birthday party. It was pretty similar to my niece Lucia's birthday earlier this summer, pink and princesses. Another reason I'm glad I ended up having a boy. Not that I know that much about trucks, but I am not a fan of pink or princesses. Annie wanted to invite all of the kids from her primary class. Along with cousins, there ended up being one other girl and like nine boys. Perfect for a princess themed party. Luckily the boys are young enough that none of them seemed to mind wearing pink party hats or eating pink cake and ice cream. I think Pat's sister Kristen had a great idea in limiting the party to just an hour. Enough time for the kids to play with the toys for awhile, play one game, open presents and eat cake. Just after getting cleaned up from cake, the parents started showing up to retrieve their kids. It's kind of crazy having those many kids together in a small space, but when it's limited to just an hour, it seems a lot more manageable. Side note: the other girl in Annie's primary class in named Oakley. Kind of funny that the two girls in the class would be named Annie and Oakley.


Sue said...

The princess stuff...ick. I'm hoping my girl turns out to be a little less girly, but chances are she'll be a fruit.

Britta said...

I was very anti princess but seriously, I got over it. Ella looks adorable in pink. Although I am still anti Disney princess - you can make cuter stuff by yourself or buy the $1 crown instead!

Sue said...

I am still anti-pink, though. It's just so...cliche. I mean, yeah, if littler Hermione just digs pink that's cool. But I am just not a fan. Pepto Bismol. Ick.

Maiken said...

You will be surprised what you do for your kid! :) Lucia is very pretty in pink, and I think it makes the blue gray of her eyes stand out. I am still glad that she is a bit of a tomboy, too. She isn't afraid to pick up bugs, play in dirt, or go camping.