Friday, February 18, 2011

Foto Friday

I've been playing a little with my camera. And what I have found out so far is, I'm going to need to do a LOT more before I understand what the hell I'm doing. My dad gave me a few tips and some basics of the camera.

Last night I went to dinner with my friend Becky who just happens to teach high school photography. During dinner she showed me a few more of the features of the camera and attempted to teach me a little about things like choosing shutter speeds and aperture settings. We then went outside and I played around a little with lighting things, before it got too cold and forced us in our cars. Again its definitely going to take me some time to play around with things to understand any of it. But its fun to playing with it for now.


Maiken said...

Lots of practice can be more fun when you have such a nice camera. I can see the difference. I'm excited to see what you do with it this year.

Marty Wombacher said...

Wow, those photos are cool! I can't wait to see the upcoming ones when you master the camera. I've always wanted to learn about photography, that'll be my goal for next year.

the Lady said...

You go girl! Love the pics.

MontejH said...

The Frida Bistro shot is absolutely amazing!

Britta said...

Very cool pictures-the few things Dad has taught me have made a huge difference-good that you have so many resources available.