Ok so its not Friday but I doubt anyone cares and honestly I have been unmotivated to really go out and take photos. Partly because my camera has been acting up and partly because it is so damn hot and partly because I'm lazy. But there are some photos in this post, so I say it counts.
Fight Night Part II
I spent the night watching fights on the high school football field. Not your unruly teen behavior, but an organized MMA fight sponsored by Team Unbreakable. My friend Wade was fighting and since I went to his last fight, I really wanted to go support him again.
They set up a cage on the football field which actually worked out really well. Nice to be outside and lots of stadium seating.Wade's fight ended in the second round with a guillotine choke hold. Sadly on him, not by him. But his was the first fight to go to a second round so that was good. I know he was disappointed but he did a great job and gave a good fight and it was fun to watch and be there.
Wade is a great guy and a very genuine person. And it was a lot of fun to see him fight again, even if he was the non-winner. And hey the main event didn't even go 2 rounds, so ya got that!
The highlight of the night was the 2 girls that fought. I'll tell ya what, girls know how to fight! They were awesome. A lot of times during most of the other fights the guys spend a lot of time sort of waiting to make a move. And nothing against them, but man those girls were in it the entire time. And it made for an awesome show. They went the full 3 rounds and it came down to a judges decision. They were definitely some kick ass girls! Sadly once it started getting dark the pictures went down in quality pretty fast.
The second to last fight was also very entertaining. In the horrible train wreck kind of way where you can't turn your head while watching someone get their face smashed. But man the guy that lost held in for all three rounds and pushed it to a decision. There were many times when we were thinking you just need to tap out, but he just kept getting up and taking it. Wish I had some video of it. That guy was amazing for being able to stand up after that.
And I can't believe I'm talking about how entertaining it was to watch a fight. Little pacifist me. But both times I have gone I have had a lot of fun. Thanks to Becky for going with me and thanks to Maiken for watching Will. Especially after he got stung three times by a wasp and my mom heart broke leaving my little hurt bug.
Besides that last part, a great Saturday night.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Foto Friday - Fight Night
Posted by Kari at 11:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Those Days
Today I found out something at work that made me very happy. We have regular pickup in our office of recyclable white paper and newspaper. We get so much junk mail and catalogs in our office though and I feel bad throwing them away. So I have started saving them and taking them to a place that recycles them on my own. Except like everything else in my life they tend to pile up till overflowing before I actually take them.
So very happy to find out that we now had some city recycling bins outside that take everything. I immediately went and wheeled one over to our office and ended up filling two. Yeah I had quite the stockpile. On the second bin someone threw something in that wasn't supposed to be there. So I leaned over on my tippy toes to try and get it out. And in the process the front of my shirt got caught on a sharp edge and ripped. Awesome. And I have very few shirts I wear to work so that really sucked.
My boss said that's what I get for recycling. He prefers the trash can. I said I was willing to give up my shirt for the betterment of our earth. He rolled his eyes. I really didn't want to take the time to go home and change so looked around for what we have. Fortunately in our office we always have extra sport shirts. Unfortunately we didn't exactly have any I wanted to wear for the rest of the day.
The least bad option was a leftover girls softball shirt. So me and my Racers shirt hung out the rest of the day. I guess I lucked out that was the team left, the Juggernauts were all gone. Luckily working in a recreation office its not that weird for me to be wearing a jersey. Yet every single person I came in contact with would give me a weird look and asked, Why are you wearing that shirt? And one person said that in combination with the loose cargo pants that I was wearing, that it looked like I was wearing pajamas. Awesome.
Ok so not the end of the world, just me being a little vain. So late in the day we get an email that the ADA is having a reception in our lobby and they have lots of food and invited all the employees to stop by. So Shellianne and I wander up to see. There is some art on display and Shellianne and I look around at it before grabbing our food. One of the artists comes up and is talking to us about his stuff and shows us a photo album of his work. As we are talking a reporter there decides since we are the only people there not with the group, hey lets take a LOT of pictures of them talking.
So not only did I get harassed at work for my shirt, it will now be in the paper tomorrow. Luckily no one reads the paper.
Edited: I guess my shirt scared them off, they didn't use our pic in the paper. Maybe I should wait till the paper comes out before I go around telling people I'm gonna be in it.
Posted by Kari at 10:14 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Tired but in a good way
Today was a packed day that actually required the use of a chalkboard to plan out so that everything fit.
~ Quick stop by the Pioneer Day Extravaganza
~ A work errand that required a stop at a florist
~ Family movie trip to see Inception - very cool movie
~ Swim trip with the Ordervillites to see the kids "tricks" and experience the Payson pool
~ Triple birthday party with yummy salmon for dinner
~ Awesome fireworks put on by Mapleton City
Normally one of those things would allow me to consider it a productive day. I know. That's how I am though. And not one picture was taken. Guess sometimes you're too busy having fun.
Posted by Kari at 11:55 PM 3 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
Foto Friday
For my 2 readers who might not be up to date on Utah culture, this weekend is a state holiday. The 24th is the day that Brigham Young led the mormon pioneers into the valley and declared, "This is the place." In honor we take a day off work and get to set off fireworks.
To kick off the holiday weekend a friend and I ended up at a local pub, The Deerhunter. Cause what better way to celebrate a mormon holiday than to hang out at a bar. It was a fun relaxing night without a crowd, probably due to all the city weekend festivities.
Looking at their website it looks like they have bands every weekend and I might have to swing by again sometime soon to check that out. It also looks like the MMA fighting group my friend Wade trains with has done a fight there before. Maybe I need to explore a little more to find little gems like this.
Warning:But if you can't make inappropriate advances at a bar, where can you?
The side room where bands perform:The bar is one big log cabin which is my dream place to live. There are three large rooms and a large outdoor patio (where I was attacked by mosquitoes). I only took a picture of this room because no one was in it and I didn't want to go around snapping photos of people. Marty has a little more experience there than I do. And my camera sucks at dark/inside pictures, but you get the idea. Not that I'm a big drinker, but surround me with wood, and I'll be comfortable hanging out there. And will return.
Posted by Kari at 11:52 PM 2 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
Taste of Salt Lake
Most Sundays are pretty uneventful days for me. Will and I lounge around the house until he goes back to his dads and then I come home and do some more lounging. The last two weeks I have gone to a movie on my way home but that is the extent of interesting for me.
Yesterday I got a call from my high school buddy Becky and we decided to go out to eat after I dropped off Will. I love mexican food and have never been to a local favorite, Red Iguana. Their specialty is a wide range of mole sauces, which I also have never tried. So we got a sampler plate to try all the sauces. Can't say I'm much of a fan of the more chocolaty mole but the poblano and almond ones were delish!
The lovely Becky and lots of mole
While looking for places to eat in a local paper Becky had found a cheap concert at a local bar and asked if I wanted to go. I knew it would be a late night with early work in the morning, but it sounded fun so we decided to head off to the Urban Lounge. Becky couldn't remember if she'd been there before so we googled the place and found a review site.
Here are some gems from the reviews:
"Pretend you hate life and don't smile, you'll fit in."
"hipster scumfest, but worth it."
"Biggest gathering of dirt bags ever"
"Pros: it's close to other good bars"
After the laughs the reviews gave us we decided there were also enough good reviews to at least give it a try. I'm glad we did. We ended up being early enough to get great parking, although it never did get crowded. The opening band was La Farsa a local band and they actually ended up being my favorite band. Very varied band with three members switching between the drums, three between lead vocals, two between guitars, and they were all great. This might be my favorite.
Or maybe this one
But the one that gives me chills is Laurel Tree which is new and I couldn't find it anywhere online. LOVE it! And it has a tree so of course its good. They said that a friend of theirs got married and they wrote it as a "baby making" song and she got pregnant a week later, so be warned. Luckily I bought the cd so I can listen to it over and over again. (not to make babies) The last time I bought a cd I lived in the Ogden area. Its been awhile.
The second band was 5 guys and they weren't really my thing but at the end of the night I felt bad for them so I'm not gonna dis their name. Their stuff was mainly instrumental and I like lyrics in my songs. It was kinda like all those great songs from the 70's, like Magic Carpet Ride, where there is this long ass instrumental part in the middle and you just want to fast forward and get back to the verses. Becky summed them up greatly, "These guys are better musicians, but the other group had soul." My music needs some soul.
The one interesting thing about their group was the guy playing the organ. And it folded up and looked like a big suitcase. And he kept pulling out random instruments and from my view it looked like they were coming out of the large suitcase, like a magic show. Some less random, triangle, harmonica, trumpet. Then this weird keyboard thing that you blow in? And then a saw. Played with a bow. Anywho.
The main act was The Mynabirds who are from Omaha. Not to be confused with the Mynah Birds from the 60's (although they did get their name from them). And no I don't know enough about music to actually know who that is, some guy at work told me about them when I was talking about the concert. Apparently Neil Young and Rick James were involved. Might have to check that out.
Back to last night. Really enjoyed The Mynabirds. The lead singer Laura Burhenn wrote all their music and I loved her voice. Here is one of their songs. I also bought their cd and it will get a lot of play time.
The Mynabirds - Numbers Don't Lie from Saddle Creek on Vimeo.
There was a guy there that obviously came just for Mynabird and was front and center. He was at least 10 yrs older than anyone else there and not afraid to rock out in his new balance tennis shoes. It started out as amusing and then quickly became painfully awkward to watch. But man that guy was a fan! Sadly second painfully awkward moment of the night involved him too.
I was standing in line after their show to buy their cd. They just had one folding table mostly with their stuff on it and then on the end was Mr. Band, the lead singer of the guy band I won't name. He was selling their t-shirts. Super fan went over and was talking to Mynabird and grabbed one of Mr. Band' shirts, thinking it was Myna's. When corrected he quickly dropped and and asked for a Myna shirt. Mr. Band took his shirt back carefully folded it and put it back in its place. With all of his other shirts. That no one was buying. Or even looking at. Except for the three other people that tried to buy one until they realized it was the "other" band. I felt so bad. If I'd had another $12 I would have bought one just because I felt so bad. Poor guys.
Now I can't say as I've spent much time in clubs. Or bars with bands. Or you know public places. But lets say there are a row of tables. The one on the far right is empty. To the left of that table there are other tables. Maybe with two awesome girls sitting at it. On the right of the end table, is nothing. Space. Would you A) stand so close to the table to your left that you are touching it, or B) scoot the hell over to the right where there is nothing but space!
I don't fit in, in the Utah County scene. But I also don't fit in, in the Salt Lake club/bar scene. I need to find a new scene. But loved the music and the company. Must have more of both. And just a shout out that it was like a mini Marty/Gidget night. A bar and cool music :)
Posted by Kari at 7:50 PM 4 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Foto Friday
A lot of weekends involve watching a movie at my parents. The kids are banished to the basement to watch a kids show while the adults watch something upstairs. Usually one or two of the kids come wandering up about half way through their movie. Because they are bored or fighting or both.
This last weekend our movie went uninterrupted. There is that feeling of one of two things as you are walking down the stairs to check on the kids. Either they are too quite because they are getting into trouble, or this...I'm not exactly sure how they got into this position other than I do know that this is Will's preferred method of sleeping, horizontally in the bed.
Tonight we went up to my cousins house to play at the pool in their neighborhood. Kids playing in the back yard.There are actually a few funny things going on here, but I did want to point out that Ryan's dad said that he could go outside without his shirt on as long as he kept the headband on because it made the look. Love you Rick. And thanks to the Whisamores for the fun night.
Posted by Kari at 10:53 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ninjas vacation in Ireland
Growing up I remember having a few records with kids songs. But for the most part when it came to music, we listened to what my parents listened to. This practice was definitely strengthened by the fact that for several years we lived in the middle of no where Nevada and only got am radio stations.
I don't remember minding. Even to the point that we completely ruined I think both a record and tape of my dads because we listened to Band on the Run by Paul McCartney so many times. That song and Your Mama Don't Dance by Loggins and Messina were our anthems. Good times.
So when I had a kid I didn't think much about getting "kids" cds and such. I figured Will would enjoy the music he grows up with, so why torture myself with a Barney cd. My sister Maiken sent my niece Ella a Barenaked Ladies cd called Snack Time. I'd heard some of the songs before but until our recent visit to PA I hadn't ever heard the whole thing.
It just so happened that while we were out there Will had just begun a ninja phase. He was very happy to show cousin Ella his ninja moves until she wanted to just jump and twirl. You have to karate chop at the same time for it be a ninja move. FYI. So Will latched on pretty quickly to the ninja song on the cd and requested a copy when we got home.
When in PA my sister Britta told me it was one of the few cd's of Ella's that she actually didn't mind listening to. I have to agree. So if any of you are looking for a non brain bleeding kids cd, might want to give it a try. Just be warned, listening may lead to such discussions as what it means for a cat to have 9 lives and that no that does not mean that if someone shoots a cat it won't die. Ahh...explaining our world to children.
Posted by Kari at 10:20 PM 6 comments
Friday, July 9, 2010
Foto Friday
Fridays are normally spent hanging out at the folks. However the stomach flu is floating around there and next week happens to be the deadline at work for the end of 2 hellish weeks. I'm not gonna have a spare hour let alone be able to call in sick for work so I didn't feel like tempting fate.
Instead Will and I had a night out by ourselves. I let Will decide what we would have for dinner. His request, salmon. I love that about that kid. So off to a local Japanese place for salmon. Then a surprise from mom, bowling. Will had been "playing" bowling with his legos earlier so I figured he would be pretty happy, he was.
And who knew, it was Rock n Bowl night. (sadly laser lights do NOT help my game)I happened to bowl my worst game ever. I should have had them keep up the bumpers for my turn too. Will slaughtered me. And of course the shame was made ever greater by the fact that the lane next to us was occupied by 3 attractive men.
After the first game Will seemed to be going strong so I asked him if he wanted to keep playing. He said yes, I went and paid for another game. He bowled 2 more frames before giving in for the night. I finished the round for both of us and it didn't get much better. Final scores.
Notice all of those --, lots of gutter balls for me. I'm ashamed. But it was still a fun night out with my little bug.
Posted by Kari at 10:47 PM 5 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
Foto Friday
Winner winner, chicken dinner. No sadly I have not won the lottery. Apparently you have to play it to win. Or something. But close second, I won our work's employee photo contest 2 months in a row! Now in all fairness I'm pretty sure there are a total of maybe 4 people each month that participate and last month I may have been the only one. But still a winner!
And with this high honor comes great things. An copy of your picture in the employee newsletter. Try to control the jealousy. But it actually is kinda cool even if its not a big deal. They started this in March and each month they would announce a theme. Some of the months I didn't participate because I couldn't think of anything with the theme. And I have only submitted one new picture that I took just because of the theme, and that one didn't win. But the qualification is that you took the photo, so it doesn't matter that they aren't new. Behold the winners:
June: All things Provo (I mean seriously guys)This is up Provo Canyon. The mountains in Utah are definitely the highlight. This was last fall on a hike (walk) to Bridal Veil Falls. This is looking across the canyon from the falls.
July: Summer Fun
First Ball GameThis was last year on our first visit to PA. We went to a ball game to watch the Harrisburg Senators. Its a cool field because its on an island in the middle of the MIGHTY SUSQUEHANNA. It was Will's first ball game and this was his first hot dog at a ball game. Definitely a milestone here.
Posted by Kari at 11:49 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 1, 2010
(warning: this is a very long story for really one line)
My boss, who I love, is the biggest sucker for cell phone ads. There has yet to be a new smart phone that has come out that he hasn't asked for. Sometimes I'm able to avoid the conversation just by saying, that's not an AT&T phone. Sorry. Although I'm not. And sometimes we have the, there is nothing wrong with your phone, talk.
That has led to him changing it up and now I know when he has seen a new phone because suddenly his phone is having "issues". Well today karma kicked his ass. His phone died. The day before the biggest weekend of his work year. Awesome. I may have uttered "karma" and "never cry wolf" just a few times.
Luckily for him I had just ordered him a new phone this week because they were having a great Blackberry special this month. There was a chance that it could come in today, but not a guarantee. Problem was he was supposed to be taking the rest of the day off and going to Park City with family since he will be working straight through the holiday. I set him up with a temp phone so he could still at least get calls, you'd think I took away his puppy by making him use a non-Blackberry. The horror.
Guess he is luckier than me, cause it did come in. The phone would need to charge and then IS would need to sync the new phone with the Blackberry network and our IS department is not known for their quickness. I called him and told him to bring back the temp phone because I would need the sim to finish the set up. Meanwhile I have put the battery in the new phone and had it on the charger.
He gets there with the sim, and I can't get the battery out. I have 3 other people try and we can't get it out. Crap. The user manual was so helpful. Gave 4 pictures showing how to insert the battery and for removal it said "remove battery". We discuss using a screwdriver but I'm afraid to attempt that and ruin the brand new phone. Figuring we were all missing something, I sent my boss to the mall to ask at the AT&T kiosk. And to take his old phone and see if there was any way they could transfer over his contacts, they were not saved to his sim.
He comes back with the phone. And the battery still stuck inside. This is the interaction he had:
phone guy: (attempts to get the battery out, can't) She must have glued it in
boss: She didn't glue it in
pg: She must have glued it in because that is the only explanation for why it would be stuck like that
b: She didn't glue it in
Really? That's the ONLY explanation? I'm a moron?
pg: You could try and use a screwdriver or something to get it out
b: Why don't you try that right now
pg: I'm not gonna do it
b: Why?
pg: I don't want to void your warranty and ruin your phone
Awesome. So he brings it back to the office, gets out the screwdriver and the battery pops out. Surprisingly it wasn't glued in! While he was gone we pulled out the second phone we'd ordered for a co-worker and tried that battery. It went in and came out fine. My best guess is the lip over the battery was just a little too long on boss's phone. I tend to avoid confrontation at all costs but I can't tell you how badly I'd wished I was the one that took the phone down to the store.
Public Service Announcement: you shouldn't glue in your cell phone battery. Or assume that a customer service specialist will be good for anything more than a laugh.
Posted by Kari at 10:54 PM 5 comments