Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Nights

This is about as exciting as my Friday nights get. Will was very upset (again) because Pat was leaving for work. So to distract him I offered to help sort his cars. This is something we do every couple of months to see how they have grown and to work on colors.

The proud collection owner

Will then proceeded to smash the white diesel through all of the cars and then asked if I would take a picture of the mergency.

This is my life


Wade The Rascal said...

Does Will wax his cars because, Man; those things are bright! I can't wait to play trucks with my kid.

Maiken said...

He doesn't wax them, but he has feed them bread and water. :)

Megan said...

Holy cow! That's a ton of cars! So what you're saying is that my Friday nights aren't going to get progressively more exciting? That's too bad :( At least Will is so freaking cute about it :)

Kari said...

After I looked at the picture up close I was thinking I should have taken it from a different angle because the glare on the white ones was pretty bad, but by that time the mergency had happened:)

Sue said...

Will and his cars. :) That's awesome. Way to be creative in occupying him while Pat went to work.

Britta said...

I don't have anything to say except that Will is too damn adorable.

Andrea said...

An impressive collection!